Monday, March 18, 2013

Clomid 50 MG CD 3-7

Oh how the times have changed. Instead of taking shots of vodka (which I may have been fairly experienced with in my younger adult years)  I now take shots of herbal supplements to boost fertility mixed with orange juice because it tastes and smells unbelievable. Sunday evening ended with a concoction of prenatal vitamins, herbs and oj, and day 2 of Clomid.

If you're not familiar, Clomid is really a magnificent little pill. Headaches, hot flashes, nausea and mood swings (sorry husband). I'm basically a 27 year old menopausal woman. Or at least feel like one. Thankfully I only have to take this little gem for 5 days a month but this is now my 6th Clomid cycle. 

My morning started with another herbal shot, BBT temperature charting, and pretty soon daily ovulation predictor kits. Yes! More peeing on sticks. And just to make things a little more fun the doctor wants me to also test after lunchtime. This means that my bathroom science lab gets to travel to work with me. I anticipate that the only thing more exciting than this would be testing in a port-a-potty. I'm not totally sure how this is going to work but really it doesn't matter. If we have to jump through crazy hoops in order to be blessed with a baby then I'm ready and willing to do that. Although I will say that most of the hoops required are on my side. The husbands seem to have it made. Lucky butts.

Anyway, all of this is in preparation for our first IUI at the end of the month. IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is a procedure done that places 'washed' spermies directly into the uterus. It helps by bypassing any obstacles that could have been causing fertility problems and increasing the chance of conceiving. I'm super excited to move forward but still extremely nervous because I've heard it can take a few cycles for IUI to work. I just know that if we find out that it didn't work I'll be absolutely crushed.

I could use a chair for our living room, though. Each time that I find out I'm not pregnant I gift myself a little something lovely. You know, a reward for not going totally crazy and maintaining at least some level of sanity during this journey. (I'll admit that some months I've failed miserably.) Last month I added some wall-decor to our guest bedroom. A few months back I splurged on a pair of 'I'm not pregnant yet so I can still wear these jeans' jeans. This month, I've got my eye on a chair. I'm not sure if you're supposed to create your own silver lining, but I'll take mine in the form of a tufted jacquard accent chair.

I'm really praying for a baby, though.

Fingers crossed, emotions high, and hot flashes wild.


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