The home study process has begun. The paperwork required is actually way better than I anticipated so that's a relief. We'll need to visit the police station to get finger printed soon, too. That part is a little intimidating but it's routine for adoptions and hopefully no big deal. I swear though my biggest fear of all is that all of the sudden they'll come up with something crazy, like a partial print match halfway across the world for some crime or murder or something. I'm sure it's happened before! It's just a little unnerving. I've never even been to a police station before so this shall be interesting.
Recently we were required to provide a bunch of letters of reference (from non-relatives) and I have to say that as the letters began trickling in each and every one brought happy tears to my eyes. I feel so incredibly blessed to read these amazingly kind words that people have written for us. It truly touches my heart and I'm so thankful.
I also feel like I've been super emotional lately. Not in a bad way, though. Well mostly. A few weeks ago we were cleaning out old office supplies and papers and I came across an old folder that has an orange kitten on the front that I used to have in elementary school. Even though it's old and hasn't been used in decades (seriously - wow that makes me feel old) I shed a tear letting it go. I'd blame it on pregnancy hormones if I could. Perhaps I'll call it
"impending adoption and countdown to becoming a mommy" emotions. That
works, right? Each day that passes my path to motherhood gets closer and closer. Just thinking about bringing baby Mackenzie home with us makes me start to cry tears of joy. For years I've wanted nothing more than to become a mommy and now it's finally almost here and I seriously couldn't be happier! I daydream about this baby that I've never met, never felt, and wonder what she'll be like. The only thing I know for sure is that she'll be loved and adored and probably spoiled rotten (in a good way, of course).
Right now I hate to admit it but it looks like a tornado has gone through our house. We're in the middle of painting and rearranging and reorganizing and it basically looks like a disaster zone. Okay, honestly it's not that bad but I just hate unfinished projects and messes. I'm hoping to finish up the condensing of the office and guest bedroom this week so that I can shift my focus to painting and decorating the baby room. That's the fun part anyway! Our registry at Babies R Us is finished and thanks to my amazing sister our shower invitations are designed, printed, and ready to be sent out soon. The shower theme we decided on is bees. I don't know exactly how it started, but for some reason Allen and I both call each other "Bee". Like busy bee, sleepy bee, sexy bee, whatever. Now we're having a baby bee so it only seemed fitting. And since it's not an old fashioned traditional baby shower I'm excited to visit with family and friends over a bottle of wine or champagne. Hells. Yes.
Looking ahead at my calendar the next 3 months are pretty busy. We'll be finishing up the home study process and annoying legal paperwork soon. I also need to find a pediatrician and sign up for a baby CPR class. We've got baby showers and classes and of course lots of shopping. Sometimes it's a tad awkward prepping for baby when it's obvious that I'm not pregnant but it doesn't bother me as much anymore. When I buy baby clothes people will usually try to strike up a conversation and ask if the cute little outfits are for me or if they're a gift. I just smile confidently and say "me". Haha either they figured it out or they're too scared to ask.
Busy bee out.
Love love.